Jun 4, 2013

Seattle: New Refinement For Train Travelers

Amtrak's Coastal Starlight just pulled out of Seattle's refurbed King Street Station. I'm off to Pinot Noir county!
Seattle's King Street Station. Copyright www.amandacastleman.com.


  1. Mike Hooker7:49 AM

    My wife and I have been to this train station. In 2009 we visited our daughter and son-in-law in Seattle. We took the train to Vancouver, spent the night, and returned the next day by train.

    I don't recommend riding in a train because of the constant to-and-fro action. But I do recommend visiting Seattle and Vancouver.

  2. Mike Hooker7:53 AM

    Oh, and, Amanda, I just registered for your travel writing course that starts on Sept. 16.

  3. Hi Mike, I'm glad you liked my home city of Seattle. "See" you in class this autumn!

  4. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Thank for for sharing. For someone who has a fear of flying, traveling to Seattle by rail sounds fantastic!

  5. I've spotted seals and eagles from the Seattle-Vancouver, BC, stretch of tracks, which is also terrific.


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