STRATHCONA, British Columbia Along Baby Bedwell Lake rises a curious monolith: the zippered cocoon toilet. Rubberized canvas flaps atop a PVC frame, suspended over a stainless steel portapotty tank. "They just helicopter it out come winter," a passing mountaineer insists. "It's really sensible, even if it's weird."
No, mate, that falls firmly in the just plain weird category. Sorry.
Don't get me started on portapotties...... When an 18months old needs one, she needs it NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. And not next spring.
ReplyDeletePetal, if you visit, I promise we won't wander into the wilds of BC.
ReplyDeleteBut then, the little one will be left home, so it'll be all champers and dancing,non?
Erm ... Ben doesn't read, I hope? Because in that case – ahem – we're having very high-level Copy Uncorp board meetings. Yes. Absolutely.
ReplyDeleteHe knows that his wife isn't always as wholesome as she may appear, so no worries...
ReplyDeleteYou minx!