Jun 23, 2007

SEATTLE – So I had a birthday. Merman had a birthday. We broke up. He ended his job for the corporate fatcat. And we threw a party, because what else can you do under such duress?

No, you can't hear details. Road Remedies is not that kind of blog...

But I'll say this, every sundered couple should throw a big bash together. Honor what was good. Drink too much champagne. Eat too much carrot cake, even if it's emergency everyone-including-honorees-forgot carrot cake fetched by old, dear friends from QFC.

Sometimes love doesn't last.

But red wine stains in the carpet? Those endure forever...


  1. What?? Sorry to hear it didn't work out, kid. But Happy (late) Birthday, nevertheless.

  2. As he stormed out the door, he screamed, "we could have had something, if only your snarky cyberfriends didn't call me love-strudel."

    No. I lie. We broke up kindly and well.

    Wonderful man, just not mine to keep...

  3. Anonymous6:57 PM

    love-strudel? yet you persist in wondering about that whole german theme that runs through your life . . .

  4. Haha, "love-strudel". Nice.

    Well, when you're good and ready, I sincerely hope you find your true blue huggy-nerf.


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