Apr 2, 2008


SEATTLE, Washington – The question was inevitable in a room full of journalists. "How will the recession effect freelancers?"

True to form, I made Pollyanna noises. So far, the economic turbulence has been kind to independents. Every time a publication trims jobs, they fatten the roster of hired help.

But my fellow panelist won the blue ribbon. He grinned, quirked an eyebrow and said something to the tune of, "this industry has been in recession for several decades – the span of most careers. You're going to start worrying now?"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sascha, did you delete or did I somehow flail and erase your message, petal?

  3. oh cripes...I don't know why I deleted it. Must have accidently rested the blinking arrow on the little bin. But, hold your excitement, I can't even remember what I wrote now. It died the well deserved death of 'average'


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